The blank page almost certainly indicates a PHP error. Check your server’s error log for details. If the error message describes a UTF-8 encoding problem, this may be the right place to discuss it. If the error message describes something else, try searching for another thread in the forum or creating a new topic specific to your error message.
changed collation to latin1_swedish_ci
and did this to my latin1 database, now it works
; Localization Settings ;
; Default locale
locale = en_US
; Client output/input character set
client_charset = utf-8
connection_charset = latin1
database_charset = latin1
charset_normalization = Off
Hi @nelsonf17,
It would be better at some point to transcode everything into UTF-8 – but as long as your settings are consistent for now, OJS will continue to work.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I have the same problem An unexpected error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again.
when I inputted the special character like this ≡.
My OJS is 3.3.0-10 LTS.
I tried this to insert Pre-fill install form defaults with UTF8 · pkp/pkp-lib@547c627 · GitHub
no result at all.
Best Regards,