OJS 3.3.0 is not displaying statistics

Hello, good morning,

I am pretty desesperated about this issue, I have tried changing permissions, changing php version, changing a lot of nosense parameters just for give a try.

I have also installed a couple of fresh OJS, one locally, one other remote, to make tests and in those when I click on the statistics link I get an error 500, in both of them, what is going on there?

Any ideas, please?, is it possible sending anyone my logs so he can proccess them in other OJS installation?, or maybe is there any script, even some excel tool, to get some data from the log files.



Hello @kikeconk ! … Sorry to hear you still have problems! If you want you can send me a few of your statistics log files and I’ll be happy to test them out. But I doubt that the problem is related to the log files themselves.

Thank’s, how can i send them?, a link here in the forum or what’s is the right way?

It does not seem a problem related with the log files, but I am trying anything.