OJS "Sort enrolled users"

It would be helpful to add the possibility to sort users …
By default, they are sorted by users family name.
I would suggest to change the default order to “date added” and make, in turn, the table headers for “name” and “username” clickable so that the viewer can choose either of these two…

Thank you for considering this!

Hello @Jesaiah,

We are trying to make all first “Feature Request” posts follow same structure to facilitate the understanding of the petitions and at same time, will ensure no relevant info is missing.

Could you please rewrite your first post following this template:

Describe the problem you would like to solve
Example: Our editors need a way to […]

Describe the solution you’d like
Tell us how you would like this problem to be solved.

Who is asking for this feature?
Tell us what kind of users are requesting this feature. Example: Journal Editors, Journal Administrators, Technical Support, Authors, Reviewers, etc.

Additional information
Add any other information or screenshots about the feature request here.

You can use this post as a reference.

Best regards,

PKP Team

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Terribly sorry, my fault. I give it a retry :slight_smile:
Describe the problem you would like to solve
User management is a frequent task I have to undertake as an editor. By default, the user list is sorted by family name of the respective users, the front end gives no option to change that and one has to use the filter option (or click through the pages) to find a certain user. But sometimes, e.g. if a user encounters problems with registering it would be a helpful shortcut to have the option to re-sort the list for date or for username, or for email, being at it.

Describe the solution you’d like
Since the date of the user´s registration is not shown in the list I would suggest to set this as the default feature - sort by date in descending order, showing newest registration first. By making the table headers “Family Name”, “Username” and “Email” clickable, a sort function for these could be triggered.

Who is asking for this feature?
Journal Administrator and Editor (that is me, to be frank)

Additional information
This is not a must have of course. But it would be a nice feature and I would like to see it implemented in one of the next updates.