OJS Not Setting Locales Correctly

Yes, according to the error supportedFormLocales setting is missing from a journal_settings table for a journal where error occurs. To ensure, you can run a database query:

SELECT * FROM journal_settings WHERE setting_name = 'supportedFormLocales' AND journal_id = 1

Where the last number should be substituted by your journal’s id. It’s the case if it doesn’t return anything.

You can pick up the locale for forms in Website Setting -> Setup -> Languages.

I think it was solved as part of this issue: Upgrade to fails when a journal has no supportedFormLocales · Issue #6710 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
But for debugging purposes it would be helpful to know:

  • From which version you have updated
  • What supported form locales you had before (only primary or secondary too)
  • Did you receive any related notices/warnings during the upgrade
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