We are using OJS 3.1.2-1 We host several journals which have their own domain name.
We have the same problem. Some statistic pages do not display with a “404 Not Found” error.
We have rewrite rules in .htaccess file like this:
I don’t understand why, by the way. I thought my rewrite rule skipped all “index.php/journal1” url part.
Do you have any idea of which additional rule should I have to add to make it work?
RewriteEngine On
# Rewrite index requests to the journal index
RewriteRule ^/(index.php)?/?$ /index.php/journal1/index [L]
# Rewrite custom domain to make api calls correctly
RewriteRule ^/(api/.*)$ /index.php/journal1/$1 [R,L]
I can’t send the entire section of VirtualHost because our rewrite rules are not in VirtualHost but in .htaccess file.
The rewrite rules you suggest don’t work for us because it changes all the previous rules and journals are not accessible any more to the base url: https://journal-domain1.fr/
Please read [OJS 3.1.2-1] Journal statistic - #13 by Ph_We
Sorry that I can not help with .htaccess. I have always used virtual host configuration - the recommended and not complicated way of doing this.
I’m writting to you for this topic to ask you if you know the reason why URLs of stats with “api/v1” don’t work like other URLs when we have rewrite rules ?
We have rewrite rules in .htaccess file like this: