I just updated OJS to 3.02 version.
In Italian and Portuguese some words are not translated or not active.
Biggest inconvenience is that in Brasilian Portuguese is missing “Make a new submission or view your pending submissions.”:
It looks like that translation string is missing from the Portuguese translation. To add it, you first need to identify which file it’s missing from. I use the command-line for most things, so the easiest way for me is to run
This tells me that the string “about.onlineSubmissions.submissionActions” appears in the file locale/en_US/locale.xml.
Then you’ll need to add it to the equivalent file for your locale (e.g. pt_BR for Brazilian Portuguese).
If you do work on the translation, please consider contributing the improvements back to the project. Tagging @mtub, as he manages these contributions.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for the advise.
I have fixed several important translations in Brazilian Portuguese.
What I did:
in locale/pt_BR/locale.xml added:
<message key="about.onlineSubmissions.submissionActions">{$newSubmission} ou {$viewSubmissions}.</message>
<message key="about.onlineSubmissions.newSubmission">Submeta um novo artigo</message>
<message key="about.onlineSubmissions.viewSubmissions">Veja suas submissões pendentes</message>
in lib/pkp/locale/pt_BR/user.xml added: <message key="user.login.rememberUsernameAndPassword"> Continuar contectado </message>
in /lib/pkp/locale/pt_BR/submission.xml added: <message key="submission.submit.submissionLocaleDescription">São aceitas submissões em diversos idiomas. Escolha o idioma da submissão abaixo.</message>
in /lib/pkp/locale/pt_BR/manager.xml added: <message key="manager.setup.layout.sidebar">Barra lateral</message>
in /plugins/pubIds/urn/locale/pt_BR/locale.xml added: <message key="plugins.pubIds.urn.description"> Este plugin permite a atribuição de um Nome Uniforme de Recurso (URN) a edições, artigos e arquivos no OJS. message>
Also I created pt_BR translations for:
Few other (lensGalley, htmlArticleGalley, dublinCoreMeta, googleScholar) plugin translations are in process.
thanks, I can grab this from forum and GitHub and commit to the PKP repository. Are you okay with us including the files and putting them under the regular copyright (Simon Fraser University/John Willinsky)?