We translated ocs 2.3.5 to persian language. how to add in ocs
(moved post to a new topic)
Hi @behzad_dehghan, thanks for translating OCS.
One way to suggest the inclusion of your translation in the OCS code is to use Github (if you are familiar and comfortable with git and Github)
- fork the ocs repository
- add your translation to appropriate folders (e.g. /locale//fa_IR/)
- commit and push to your repository
- file a pull request
We also support other ways and we can have a look at your code to identify possible issues. I will follow-up with you via PM.
I am not family with github,can I send locale file for you?
dear @behzad_dehghan . Would you please send me the Persian translation of OCS? I need it for my military service project. Many thanks.
Here is my email: farahmandian2011@gmail.com