New video tutorials available for OJS 3.3 - in English and Spanish

PKP School is a set of guided courses and video tutorials on how to use OJS to publish a journal and how new publishers and editors can increase the quality and effectiveness of their publications. Over 7,000 people have used this valuable learning tool since PKP School was launched in 2012. While training was previously only available for OJS 2 and 3.1, there are now complete sets of videos on Setting Up a Journal in OJS 3.3 and the Editorial Workflow in OJS 3.3. In addition, the same courses have been made in Spanish, with Spanish voiceover and visuals.

You can take these courses and learn how to use OJS 3.3 by registering for a free account at PKP School, or you can watch individual tutorials on PKP’s YouTube Channel. You will also find relevant videos embedded in the (English) Learning OJS 3.3 user guide.

This is all due to the work of PKP Publication Support Specialist Alejandra Casas, with support from the Documentation Interest Group.

Upcoming PKP School courses will include updated courses on Becoming an Editor, Becoming a Reviewer, and Writing for Publication and a course on Web and Content Accessibility for Journal Editors.