I would like to add a button to the User side block that would allow to make a new submission without having to visit User Home. Of course this should be possible only if a user has author role assigned to the account.
Thanks for hints.
Hi Peter,
Have a look at plugins/blocks/user/block.tpl; that’s the template file responsible for rendering the user block plugin.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Alec, I did of course. But I am not sure how to use $isValid.Author there.
Currently it only works when I am on a User Home page of particular journal (and not e.g. on the Home page of the journal).
Hi Peter,
Where do you see $isValid.Author? Is that something in the OJS codebase, or something you wrote?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I see it in other files where this check against confirming the user has author role enabled is performed. E.g. User Home page (index.tpl). How to invoke this functionality from the side block then?