New permission role for website changes without access to submission workflow

Describe the problem you would like to solve
For our journals, we work with external designers. To enable them to make changes to the website, we currently have to grant them a role, which also is able to access the submission workflow. Thus allowing them to access/manipulate submissions without this beeing part of their work.

Describe the solution you’d like
To follow the principle of least privilege, we would like to propose a new role, which can access and edit website settings (like static sites, navigation menus, website-styling, publisher library) but cannot access the submission-workflows within OJS.

Who is asking for this feature?
Target Group of this feature would be hosting institutions with high requirements to information security, but also Journal Managers who want to delegate the website settings to non-academical employees or freelancers.

Additional information
As an implementation detail, It might be usefull to be able to make some basic adjustments which parts of the website settings could be accessed/edited by this role. E.g. could the role enable/disable/configure plugins.

Thanks for your feature request, @sebastian_schmidt. Just noting that we have several open issues that are similar (although not quite exactly the same thing), where others have commented on this: Add a Site Manager distinct from the Administrator · Issue #7417 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub and Journal Manager role/permission is unclear · Issue #5962 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

PKP Team

Hi all,

This is also similar to but distinct from #5504 (" Have option to restrict Editor access to Settings"), which will be included starting with in OJS/OMP/OPS 3.5.0.

#5504 allows for roles with a Journal Manager permission level who can work with submissions but not change settings. This request is for the opposite – permitting users who can edit settings but not work with submissions.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Just another thought on that: Implementing that feature would allow institutional/commercial service providers to implement policies where they could ensure, that there is a separation of rights in a way that the (internal/external) serice personal has no access to unpublished submissions, which might be beneficial for journals that implement e.g. COPE guidelines that don’t permit use of pre-published submissions for everything except the review process.