New OJS3 site version!

Hi all,
I am proud to announce that, after a long period of migration and testing, the Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche “Roberto Pettorino” of Federico II University released a new version of its academic journals platform built with OJS3.

We started to work with OJS in 2007, when we created our first platform, named SeReNa, only for the University of Napoli “Federico II”.

Since 2015, SeReNa is available to other universities participating in the SHARE (Scholarly Heritage and Access to Research) Interuniversity Consortium, so it became SHARE Journals.

Currently, we maintain 17 academic peer-reviewed journals and other 4 are going to be published.

Each journal is completely independent, but we try to support them from the foundation in:

  • getting identifiers
  • defining a workflow
  • light CSS and theme editing
  • adding or editing plugins

So any motivated group of scholars in our consortium can find a friendly environment (both on the human side both on the tech side) to create and grow their journal at the exact cost of 0 euros!

My warmest thanks to the PKP Foundation and to all their members who, with their free software, have allowed this decades-long experience that is still growing.

This is a screenshot from the old site:

and this is a screenshot from the new one: