New OJS 3 Theme on Bootstrap 4

Hi @kawahyu,

Here, I’ve created a new one based on recent updates: Release 2.1.9-2 · Vitaliy-1/JATSParserPlugin · GitHub
And here is the list of know limitations that require implementation on OJS side: JATS Parser Plugin running - #3 by Vitaliy

I’m expecting to make a production release together with OJS 3.3.1. I’m not expecting any major changes in the plugin itself. Just a few notes:

  1. Plugin creates a new tab in publication settings Full text for generation of the article’s text from JATS downloaded at the production stage.
  2. After full-text generation it’s possible to create references from JATS, see References tab (needs page reload)
  3. Finally, under Full text tab it’s also possible to create a PDF galley from the article’s metadata and full-text.
  4. Unfortunately, the possibility of styling of PDF galley is quite limited. Some examples here: Example 061 : XHTML + CSS · TCPDF and CSS itself is here: