Native xml plugin: need to manually edit xml because the export is wrong/missing info


We are currently exporting some books from one OMP- to send to Scopus.

However after do the export of the book, we need to edit the the xml file because we have some data wrong or some data need to be added.

What is being exported

How should be:

Also, we need to add the Language tag manually


Also, we are current moving our CODES for Thema, so how we can change this


For this


How we can adjust it so we don’t need to manually edit the xml file but instead already export with the format/data we want?

version running OMP -
OS platform - Linux
PHP version - 7.4.33
Apache version - Apache
Database driver - mysql
Database server version = 5.5.68-MariaDB

Hi @gkuhn,

Based on the tags you’ve noted it sounds like you’re using the ONIX export plugin for OMP.

A number of improvements have been made recently to the ONIX exports, one of which is the addition of a <Website> node which includes the correct download URL. This is available as of OMP 3.3.0-18.

The <Language> issue you’ve noted appears to be a bug - I’ve filed that here: [OMP] Language is not included in ONIX export · Issue #10641 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

Thema subjects are not yet available in OMP but we are planning to implement this in a future release: [OMP] Use of ONIX BIC/Thema subject categories · Issue #9906 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

Kaitlin Newson
PKP Team

1 Like

Hi @kaitlin,

We are having same issue exporting from OJS as well.

version running OJS -
OS platform - Linux
PHP version - 8.1.31
Apache version - Apache
Database driver - mysql
Database server version = 5.5.68-MariaDB

Hi @gkuhn, can you provide more details about the issues you’re having in OJS, and what format you are exporting for OJS?

Hi @kaitlin.

I am sorry, my mistake. The issue we are facing is just in OMP with the system I sent previously.

I would like to confirm how about the RecordReference tag

What is being exported by the Native XML Plugin
RecordReference > https://hostname/home/**monograph/view**/12

How should be:
RecordReference > https://hostname/home/**catalog/book**/12

How can we fix it?

Thank you!

Hi @gkuhn, the <RecordReference> is meant to be used as an identifier for the record itself, and does not necessarily need to resolve to the object - in fact, this identifier will be changing soon to better align with ONIX best practices (see this related issue on GitHub). Is it being used as a URL by Scopus?

Whenever you next upgrade your OMP instance to the latest release of 3.3.0-x, you will now see a <Website> node in the XML that correctly identifies the object, and better aligns with the ONIX standard. Ideally this should also be used by downstream metadata services like Scopus to point to the object, and not the <RecordReference>.

Kaitlin Newson
PKP Team

Hello @kaitlin thank you for your answer

Let me double-check what are the versions where the bugs and modifications will be available.

We are currently using We have the plan to update to 3.4.x a soon as it gets long term support.

If meanwhile we update to, this changes/fixes be available there, right? (as well as if we wait for 3.4.x?)

Also, do you have an idea about the agenda of when this fix will be ready/available?
Thus we can schedule here as well to update when everything is ready.

Thank you!

Gabriela Kuhn

Hi @gkuhn,

The added <Website> node with the correct URL is available as soon as you update, in both the 3.3.0-20 release and our latest 3.4 release.

The new structure for the <RecordReference> will be in the next 3.4.0-x release.

I’m working on a fix for the <Language>, but it’s not yet available - hopefully in the next 3.3.0-x release. You can keep track of the progress on this issue by following the ticket I created (if you have a GitHub account and are logged in, you can follow along with an issue by clicking the “Subscribe” button, under “Notifications” on the right side of the page).

Kaitlin Newson
PKP Team

Hi @gkuhn, I’m happy to share that the Language issue you flagged has been fixed and should be available in the next release (e.g. OMP 3.3.0-21, once released).

Kaitlin Newson
PKP Team