Multiple translations in Weblate


I just noticed that most languages in Weblate now have two instances, in the Swedish case there’s one called simply “Swedish” which seems to contain all the translated strings, and then one called “Swedish sv_SE” which only seems to contain the glossary.

I’m not sure if this was the case before, but I don’t believe so. It also seems that we are no longer getting matches in the glossary when translating, which i assume is because they are separated.

Could anyone comment on this, perhaps I am missing something?

Best regards,
Magnus Annemark

Hi @mannemark ,

Some time ago @asmecher explained to me that they are migrating to a new ‘language schema’ and only ‘simple’ (per your words) names (e.g. Swedish) will be used in the future.

Hm, @asmecher, maybe a note about it or something similar would be welcome so that all the translators know what is going on.

Regards, Primož

Hi all,

Historically, OJS/OMP/OPS have only supported locale codes in the form xx_YY, where xx is the language and YY is the country. This has lead to a lot of overspecific locale codes (e.g. en_US being used in a Canadian project!) and in some cases it’s actively harmful (e.g. the Kurdish translation was forced to use ku_IQ, when Kurdish is a stateless language).

We updated Weblate to a more recent version about a year ago, and it is increasingly unhappy with the widespread use of these overspecific locale codes. It will still work with them, but vastly prefers concise and standard forms (e.g. es for Spanish rather than es_ES). So for 3.4.0 we decided to migrate almost all of the locales to the more concise form, with a few key exceptions like French (fr_FR and fr_CA) and Portuguese (pt_BR and pt_PT).

Long story short: If you see both translations in Weblate, please favour the concise form (e.g. sv for Swedish). I still have some minor admin work to do in Weblate to reduce the number of options, including finding out how to migrate the glossary over.

Please let me know if you have any questions or encounter problems!

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you @asmecher and @primozs for explaining the situation, I will make sure to only post changes to “sv” and not “sv_SE”.

Best regards,