How to move translation that I made in one translation to another?
Hi @vvucic,
I am not sure what you mean. Are you using the translation plugin or editing the files manually?
Yes, I used plugin. I would like to submit that translation to you so you can include it in the next version. In the meantime I would like to use it and test in another installation.
Hi @vvucic,
thanks for translating and for your plan to share your translation.
If you used the translator plugin, you should find the edited/created files in
- /locale/[locale name]/
- /plugins/[category]/[plugin name]/[lcoale name]/
- /lib/pkp/locale/[locale name]/
- /lib/pkp/plugins/[category]/[plugin name]/[lcoale name]/
These are XML files. We should then have a look at what branch of OJS you’ve been working on and compare the files to the original English OJS files. I will follow up with you on these questions.
(Moved thread to Translations)
I translated the latest version of OJS on Serbian and Croatian language using translation plugin. If you check some ofmy previous posts in forum you will see that I found one bug that prevented me to do that fully. However, I think that I have translated more than 85 or 90% of messages.
I am familiar with Github . Please give me instructions what I have to do in order to integrate that translation with the latest version of OJS.