Hello PKP Community and greetings from the sunny Croatia!
We (University of Zadar) are excited to share with you a journal platform called Morepress journals, based on OJS The journals in the title implies there will also be a solution for books (OMP), proceedings and a nice blog/portal to round it all up.
The site encompasses all journals published by the University of Zadar, currently eleven of them.
You can visit the site at morepress.unizd.hr
Since Morepress journals is nearing its end of development, we would greatly appreciate your feedback, especially in terms of design, looks, usability and UX, but if you have comments and suggestions on other areas, please feel free to express them as well.
Some of the aspects we are really proud of include:
- Responsive design
- Tab switcher on journal homepage
- Latest articles sidebar block
- HTML view design
Here are some screenshots:
Article HTML view on mobile

Article HTML view on desktop

Homepage on mobile

Journal homepage on desktop

And finally, homepage on desktop

We still have about a month's work left to do, which includes a lot of CSS and translations housekeeping, some new sidebar blocks and other goodies.
Lastly, we would like to thank the PKP team for providing a nice API that helped us adapt OJS to specific needs of University journals. Thank you!