I completely miss this post so I arrive 2 years late…
Thanks Alec for your nice words. Let me extend the answer for future readers (if any):
Alec explained pretty well what mOJO was about.
If somebody is still curious, here you have more information about the project: https://pkp.sfu.ca/wiki/index.php?title=Installation:Multiple_OJS%26_mOJO
But I’m really writing to say that mOJO is death, long live DOJO.
To cut the long story short… dojo is the same idea, but based on docker.
I mean, I still see the benefits in a model based in independent OJS instead of a monolithic installation, but we all know that, when you have more than 10 OJS, keeping versions up to date, backups, upgrades is a mess so this is why I started DOJO.
Here you have some info about this new project:
I expected to finish it some time ago, but dojo have an strong dependence… we need an official docker image for OJS and no body was doing this so with some enthusiasts we are right now talking about how this official image will be and how we are going to keep it updated, sorted and so on.
Once finished this part, I will spend more time to extend dojo (aka. docker4ojs) again.
If somebody knows about docker or bash scripts, any help is welcomed.