Missing dollar sign in Spanish translation

Hello. Just found that the advanced search link in the local.po file of the ES_ES translation in the recommendBySimilarity plugin in OJS is missing a dollar sign and does not link. Should be {$advancedSearchLink} but it states {advancedSearchLink}. It seems to be a common error as a Google search shows.

Adding the dollar sign restores functionality.

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Hi @rgc_ec,

Thanks, I’ve fixed that in the git repository for the next 3.3.0 and 3.4.0 releases. For anyone who encounters this, you can resolve it by editing plugins/generic/recommendBySimilarity/locale/es_ES/locale.po:

diff --git a/plugins/generic/recommendBySimilarity/locale/es_ES/locale.po b/plugins/generic/recommendBySimilarity/locale/es_ES/locale.po
index daddb91230..887d9357f1 100644
--- a/plugins/generic/recommendBySimilarity/locale/es_ES/locale.po
+++ b/plugins/generic/recommendBySimilarity/locale/es_ES/locale.po
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ msgid "plugins.generic.recommendBySimilarity.heading"
 msgstr "Artículos similares"
 msgid "plugins.generic.recommendBySimilarity.advancedSearchIntro"
-msgstr "También puede {advancedSearchLink} para este artículo."
+msgstr "También puede {$advancedSearchLink} para este artículo."
 msgid "plugins.generic.recommendBySimilarity.advancedSearch"
 msgstr "Iniciar una búsqueda de similitud avanzada"

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team


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