When an article is added to a number, you have the option to insert a publication date, but when you create a new issue and publish the issue, it - the issue - automatically gets today’s date.
Many of our journals publish old issues (back issues). Here it would be a great advantage if you could set the year of publication before publishing to the web. Now, after publication, you have to adjust the year of publication. Many of our editors forget that.
Suggestion: Make it possible to register the year of publication on a new issue before publishing
Thanks @nef. I can see that there’s a discrepancy between the year in the issue identification (Vol. 1, No. 1, 2018), which is meant to be manually set, and the year in the publication date, which is meant to be automatically set on publication.
How are you importing back issues? Are you using the issue import XML tool or manually creating submissions/issues and publishing them? There are probably some other problems to address when importing back content, such as the order of issues in the archive.
Thanks @NateWr. Most of our editors are using QuickSubmit when the create their back issues, and you’re right, they also have problems with the order of issues in the archive. In the old OJS 2 it was so easy to correct these errors, but now it is more complicated.
apart from that I’m very content with the OJS 3.
Niels Erik