Apologies for cross-posting
Dear colleagues,
Does your library publish journals, monographs, conference proceedings, or technical reports? Do you provide hosting and support services for digital humanities projects, data, or ETDs? Help us to document the range of activities that libraries are undertaking in “publishing” (broadly defined) through their work in scholarly communications, digital humanities, digital sciences, and institutional repositories.
To promote collaboration and knowledge-sharing, and to raise the visibility of the unique contributions of libraries as publishers, the Library Publishing Coalition (LPC) is compiling its sixth edition of the Library Publishing Directory.
To have a profile of your library included in the Directory, please complete our questionnaire at:
The call for entries will close on August 23rd.
The questionnaire takes between 30 and 45 minutes to complete. You can save your progress and return later, but we recommend previewing the questions before you begin. If your library has had an entry in a previous edition of the Directory, you should have received an email with instructions on how to update it. Email contact@librarypublishing.org with questions.
About the Directory
The Library Publishing Directory is an important tool for libraries wishing to learn about this emerging field, connect with their peers, and align their practices with those of the broader community. Last year’s edition featured 138 libraries in almost a dozen nations.
The Directory is published openly on the web and will include contact information, descriptions, and other key facts about each library’s publishing services. The Directory is published openly online in PDF, EPUB, and database versions. The 2020 edition will be published in early 2020.
The Directory is made possible by the generous donation of services from Purdue University Libraries and Bookmasters.
Please e-mail contact@librarypublishing.org with questions or comments. We look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
The Library Publishing Coalition Directory Committee
Jessica Kirschner, Virginia Commonwealth University, Chair
Robert Browder, Virginia Tech
Ellen Dubinsky, University of Arizona
Janet Swatscheno, University of Illinois at Chicago
Amanda Wentworth, SUNY Geneseo