Libkey Nomad integration

Rhodes University is one of more than 2000 academic institutions that use Libkey Nomad to discover and connect to resources within our holdings range. We would, however, also like to enable this for external users of Libkey Nomad (LibKey Nomad - Third Iron) to be able to, through the LibKey Nomad browser extension, be directed from the references within our articles on OJS to the sources they may have access to, depending on their holdings.

Our conversations with LibKey indicate that our references require meta tags, e.g.,

Are there any OJS users that have successfully enabled their OJS sites to allow integration tools such as LibKey Nomad to function within the instances?

Here is an example of what the integration looks like on a Wikipedia article for Rhodes University users (as this is based on holdings and will differ for each Libkey subscriber):


Wynand van der Walt
Rhodes University

Hi @wynlib

Thank you for your post. We are trying to make all first “Feature Request” posts follow same structure.We hope this will make it easier to understand the requests and, at the same time, ensure that no relevant information is missing.

Could you please edit your first post following this template?

Describe the problem you would like to solve
Example: Our editors need a way to […]

Describe the solution you’d like
Tell us how you would like this problem to be solved.

Who is asking for this feature?
Tell us what kind of users are requesting this feature. Example: Journal Editors, Journal Administrators, Technical Support, Authors, Reviewers, etc.

Additional information
Add any other information or screenshots about the feature request here.

You can use this post as a reference.

Best regards,

PKP Team

As far as I understand, the Libkey Nomad browser extension just checks whether there are DOIs on the page, here from their FAQ:

“Nomad works similarly to other LibKey technologies […]. When a scholarly publisher page loads, we quickly look for the DOI of the article, compare it to your institutions holdings data and determine if we you have a PDF available, a link to the article or if we don’t think you have immediate access so may need request the article from your institution in which case a link resolver or similar link is created. Additionally, we also check on the status of the article to see if it either from an Open Access journal or perhaps if the library does not subscribe to the title, if the article itself is open access within a hybrid journal from the publisher or even if an accepted manuscript is available in a repository. We utilize the unpaywall data set to aid with this process.”

If you need to add DOIs to the references of a journal’s articles, two things must made:

  • References must be enabled in the Workflow > Metadata settings and the references field must be filled for the submission, one reference per line.
  • The Crossref Reference Linking Plugin must be installed from the plugin gallery and actived for the journal. It will do its magic and add missing DOIs to the references.

Hi All - John from Third Iron here. Nomad indeed works to identify DOI’s but it is looking for them in a very specific place on “article pages” so that it can identify that this is an article page and create links for the correct article. This concept is used since this is the way Google Scholar asks publishers to create the metadata as well creating a pseudo-standard for nearly every major scholarly publisher. The format looks like this:

I hope this is helpful!