JATS Parser v2.0: JATS XML to HTML and PDF conversion

Hmm, it should also work. Were there any errors in PHP logs?

I havent checked. But it doesnt show with any themes. I can enable it, but doesnt show up at all.

You mean on the galley page? I haven’t removed automatic rendering yet, should work. Also, if you are testing it, does the feature of full-text generation works correctly? (there is a short explanation in the readme: https://github.com/Vitaliy-1/JATSParserPlugin/blob/master/README.md)

Will PM you the link of the site. It do not render the full HTML/text. I am currently using the healthscience theme.

(Generated HTML should be automatically injected into the article landing page after publication)

It is working with OJS You can see the result here:


Thanks for confirming

It works. I was thinking that it showed full text directly just like previous versions.

Hi @Vitaliy,

I am using the JATSParser for parsing the Jats xml to html and pdf.

I am facing the following issues.

  • Issue with inline-graphic, display-formula and fig tags, these tags are not converting into html. it showing empty or whatever in xml.
  • Few tags details i am sharing with you:

<inline-graphic xlink:href="ES12366-34-1-001-00" id="ID_8b8883f5-3d03-4d61-adf9-bbae1bb3d9ef"></inline-graphic>

<disp-formula><alternatives> <graphic xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="bpasch-38c-2-001-ueqn001"/> </alternatives></disp-formula>

fig tag is not working inside the table or p tag:

<fig><label>Figure 1:</label><caption><p>Plots of <italic>&#x03C1;</italic> v/s c of copper surfactants (derived from fried and unfried oils) solution in benzene.</p></caption> <graphic xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="bpasch-38c-2-001-f001.jpg"/> </fig>

Please help me here to resolve this issuse.


Hi @rajesh.k,

I’ve replied on the GitHub.

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Hi @Vitaliy,

I installed the JatsParser module in version 2.0.1-1 on my OJS, and it works fine, the only error I see is that the menu should load on the right side and load me on the bottom:


Plus our two errors which are the following:

jQuery.Deferred exception: $(...).scrollspy is not a function TypeError: $(...).scrollspy is not a function


Hi @diegomejia07,

That version of JATS Parser is compatible only with themes that use Bootstrap 4: Classic, Health Sciences, Pragma, Immersion, and OldGregg.

Hi @Vitaliy,

Okay, I understand that.

Another thing is that they do not load the images or tables in the article in html or pdf.

Here you can see the mounted images


And this is how the XML looks


Hi @diegomejia07,

Images are block elements and they better not to add inside paragraphs. This is allowed according to the JATS Standard and is already supported by the master branch but I’d discourage that. Better to put as a direct child of body or section.

Dear Vitaliy
I am using ojs 3.3.0-7 in conjunction with latest version of JATS Parser and manuscript theme.
I have a problem of displaying images that are linked form the XML file like here:
When I looked on the link in the database, I found the it was lost in translation showing http%3A%2F%2F instead of http://. What do you think this came from.

Thank you

Hi @houara,

How do you handle article images? I see that the link is to the public rather than the files folder.

Yes, the images are in the public file and are accessible by the public.
I put images in a folder under public/images and make a link to them in the XML file.
Also, why the XML file is in the database rather that in the files directory only.
When I make link corrections in the database, images are shown, like in here:

That’s how new version works. It saves full-text in the database like other article data, i.e., abstract or title.

The image should be attached to the XML file through the dashboard → under the file on the production stage click edit → upload file → pick image as article component. Inside the JATS XML indicate only filename of the image.

I will try this other method of image attachement to XML file, although more tedious… and see what happens.

I have tried embedding the images by attaching them to XML file at production and galley stages, but with no success:
