One of the scientific journals is very interested in updating an upload function for TinyMCE. We are interested in receiving a working plugin for images handling on OJS.
Or this idea: OJS has a section for handling and storing files (it is located at Publisher Library). May be in this section someone could include the ability to make inner URL adresses for their integration into user blocks or other places? Because for us it is necessary to post images as hyperlink buttons for better communication with the audience.
Interesting that newer TinyMCE releases have this capability built-in – I wasn’t aware of that.
I think two solutions might be necessary: one that allows users to upload arbitrary images e.g. as part of their biographies (though to be honest I’m not sure this feature is worth the risk of having people post something nasty), and another that allows journal insiders to post less controlled content (e.g. not just size-limited images but also PDFs and the like). The former could be satisfied by the TinyMCE uploader you linked, and the second could be satisfied by something like you describe in the Publisher Library.
If the Publisher Library solution would satisfy your needs, I’d prefer leaving the arbitrary image upload thing until we could talk to someone who had a concrete use case; that way we could talk limits with something specific in mind. I think all the Publisher Library would require is a checkbox that would allow public access to a file there.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
As far as I can see in the full featured example here, there may be the “Insert Image” button, which just allows to insert any external URL. Would it be possible to enable this button instead of JustBoil.ME (not functional) as a temporal workaround?
Some of our users feel helpless, since they do not even know how to add right HTML tags
The plugin is working for many users (including me locally) – but I’m hesitant to invest time into fixing it for those who are experiencing problems, because I don’t think that’s going to be useful for more than the short term, and because it can be very time consuming to debug remotely. If you’d like to add support for that image insert tool, you can do so by editing lib/pkp/js/controllers/SiteHandler.js, where the list of tools/plugins is specified.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team plugin does not have option to add alt tag which is necessary requirement for accessibility of images. Some legislations are very strict on that matter. Neglecting that aspect may put some users in difficult situation. Thus, I Think that any default image insert plugin would be good solution. However, if author of plugin is willing to add that feature it would be fine.