Index Copernicus plugin for OJS 3.3.0.X

Please upload OJS_ROOT/plugins/importexport

Okay, what is the latest version to download on OJS Can you provide a link?

Please download this version & try it

Please select your PHP version 7.4

Hi @dagosalas
Error 1824: Element ‘issue’, attribute ‘publicationDate’: ‘2021-03-24’ is not a valid value of the atomic type ‘xs:dateTime’. at line 4
Error 1824: Element ‘publicationDate’: ‘2021-03-24’ is not a valid value of the atomic type ‘xs:dateTime’. at line 10
This error is solved in this version

Installed this version. Validation runs without errors.
There is a remark. The plugin does not capture bibliographic references and index copernicus site gives completeness:80%.
The OJS website has a list of bibliographic references in the article.

Hello @IgorVeha,
Please try this updated plugin.

Also, can you share your XML file after updating this plug-in?



Thank you, OJS_3.3.0.13, it works for me, but one volume cannot be uploaded owing to an error. However, other volumes have been uploaded.

Best Regards

Hi @OJS_Darryl
Please send me the XML file.

Hi @Surojit_Bera
¿where is the new release?

Hi @dagosalas
Please find from this link

Hi @Surojit_Bera,

I checked the forum and I don’t see any problem in the metadata or in the language of my issue. I also updated the plugin to the latest version, but it keeps showing me the same thing.

What I did was modify the code in line 314 in the file, and add the line to remove unwanted characters. Remember that when you put utf-8 encoded strings in an XML document, not all valid utf-8 characters are accepted in an XML document

So you need to remove the unwanted characters, otherwise you will get a fatal XML parse error like above

$xml_save = utf8_encode($doc->saveXML());
$xml = preg_replace ('/[^\x{0009}\x{000a}\x{000d}\x{0020}-\x{D7FF}\x{E000}-\x{FFFD}]+/u', ' ', $xml_save);

@surojit_bera any plans to update plugin for PHP 8.1?

Hello @Surojit_Bera ,
Where is the latest versión of plugin?

Please see the updated Index Copernicus plugin link.
PHP Version-8.0

Please check this one

Try this one

1 Like

Hi @Surojit_Bera can we try with OJS-3.4 ?

Yes, Please try and inform me

Hi, @Surojit_Bera I have tried with OJS-3.4.0-5 and the Installed Plugin is stuck and spinning. Below mentioned is the error log.

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Class "AppLocale" not found in \ojs3405\plugins\importexport\copernicus\
Stack trace:
#0 \ojs3405\lib\pkp\classes\plugins\PluginRegistry.php(76): CopernicusExportPlugin->register('importexport', 'plugins/importe...', NULL)
#1 \ojs3405\lib\pkp\classes\plugins\PluginRegistry.php(121): PKP\plugins\PluginRegistry::register('importexport', Object(CopernicusExportPlugin), 'plugins/importe...', NULL)
#2 [internal function]: PKP\plugins\PluginRegistry::PKP\plugins\{closure}(Object(CopernicusExportPlugin), 'plugins/importe...')
#3 \ojs3405\lib\pkp\classes\plugins\PluginRegistry.php(121): array_walk_recursive(Array, Object(Closure))
#4 \ojs3405\lib\pkp\classes\controllers\grid\plugins\PluginGridHandler.php(194): PKP\plugins\PluginRegistry::loadCategory('importexport')
#5 \ojs3405\controllers\grid\settings\plugins\SettingsPluginGridHandler.php(49): PKP\controllers\grid\plugins\PluginGridHandler->loadCategoryData(Object(APP\core\Request), 'importexport', Array)
#6 \ojs3405\lib\pkp\classes\controllers\grid\CategoryGridHandler.php(148): APP\controllers\grid\settings\plugins\SettingsPluginGridHandler->loadCategoryData(Object(APP\core\Request), 'importexport', Array)
#7 \ojs3405\lib\pkp\classes\controllers\grid\CategoryGridHandler.php(540): PKP\controllers\grid\CategoryGridHandler->getGridCategoryDataElements(Object(APP\core\Request), 'importexport')
#8 \ojs3405\lib\pkp\classes\controllers\grid\CategoryGridHandler.php(517): PKP\controllers\grid\CategoryGridHandler->_renderCategoryInternally(Object(APP\core\Request), Object(PKP\controllers\grid\plugins\PluginCategoryGridRow))
#9 \ojs3405\lib\pkp\classes\controllers\grid\CategoryGridHandler.php(322): PKP\controllers\grid\CategoryGridHandler->_renderCategoriesInternally(Object(APP\core\Request))
#10 \ojs3405\lib\pkp\classes\controllers\grid\GridHandler.php(735): PKP\controllers\grid\CategoryGridHandler->doSpecificFetchGridActions(Array, Object(APP\core\Request), Object(APP\template\TemplateManager))
#11 [internal function]: PKP\controllers\grid\GridHandler->fetchGrid(Array, Object(APP\core\Request))
#12 \ojs3405\lib\pkp\classes\core\PKPRouter.php(334): call_user_func(Array, Array, Object(APP\core\Request))
#13 \ojs3405\lib\pkp\classes\core\PKPComponentRouter.php(291): PKP\core\PKPRouter->_authorizeInitializeAndCallRequest(Array, Object(APP\core\Request), Array)
#14 \ojs3405\lib\pkp\classes\core\Dispatcher.php(165): PKP\core\PKPComponentRouter->route(Object(APP\core\Request))
#15 \ojs3405\lib\pkp\classes\core\PKPApplication.php(388): PKP\core\Dispatcher->dispatch(Object(APP\core\Request))
#16 \ojs3405\index.php(21): PKP\core\PKPApplication->execute()
#17 {main}
  thrown in \ojs3405\plugins\importexport\copernicus\ on line 32

any update for this version?
I was check on your github,but find nothing