Improve OJS navigation

Hello all,

This may seem like a REALLY dumb question, but I couldn’t find a link to return to an articles abstract page. The author’s name on the breadcrumb stays on the full text page and there’s the link to the issue’s TOC…

So, I think I will start with this topic, trying to list whatever I believe needs a navigation improvement.

  • Article view has no link to return to abstract page? This seriously can’t happen on the breadcrumbs.
  • When importing issues, there’s no way to return to the previous page. Just repetition of the success message (or error if any…), and there’s no way to go back, except from browser back button. Not very friendly.
  • There should be an option to upload an XML locale file (or a tar.gz with multiple files, but this would be harder due to possible file address issues) in order to replace a file you’d like.
  • Amount of page items should be user defined, not statically defined. As a general rule, the user knows how many items the page should display. This shouldn’t be too difficult to implement…

Hi @ramon,

Thanks for the feedback. This sort of UI/UX tweaking is something we’re going to emphasize in OJS 3.0 and OMP 1.2, and with those releases approaching, we’ll wind down the fine-tuning on OJS 2.x. The newer generation of code has a tremendous amount of fundamental improvement to offer, including responsive design, modern JavaScript UI tools, etc., so I’m hesitant to put UI/UX effort into the 2.x line of releases. Though of course we’d be happy to look at pull requests.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hello @alec,

That’s great news.
My comments are always trying to help for the net version.
If possible, to be implemented on the current one.

Are you also cleaning up the URLs? Especially for OCS, the amount of ‘index’ is cumbersome and confusing.

Hi @ramon,

We don’t have concrete plans for OCS yet – we’ll get OMP and OJS squared away on the new codebase first – but if and when we do, we’ll certainly clean up the nesting depth we designed OCS around previously.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team