In a discussion I had with Darcy Dapra from google scholar in order to improve exposure of journals hosted in OJS, she suggested the following metatags for references:
I had journals asking me about this today. They have noted that Google Scholar does not track citations for their journals (meaning that google can not parse the references from the full text).
There is a metadata field for separating references in OJS. I guess it would not be that hard to make a plugin go trough the list given to that field and add all references to the article header inside the meta tags you mention, but there is discussion going on regarding the way references should be handled in OJS and Google is mentioned there as well: Display article references metadata on article details page · Issue #1808 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
As I know, for indexing citations in metatags should look like this:
<meta name="citation_reference" content="
citation_title=Redefining the Age of Clovis: Implications for the Peopling of the Americas;
citation_author=MR Waters;citation_author=TW Stafford;citation_author=TW Stafford Jr;
citation_date=2007;" />
I am interested in this meta tag and it’s format in a different context and am sorry if this is leading this discussion a bit off topic, but my question could be relevant for implementing this.
Actually I have two questions:
In the format described by Vitaly, how is one supposed to escape the characters = and ; in case they appear in the DOI (which can be indicated with citation_doi=), the title or any other of the fields?
Is it possible to mix Vitaly’s format and that hinted at by pverberne? Suppose I know the DOI and a “free text” citation, is there a sub-tag like citation_unstructured= or citation_free_text= (I am making this up) in which I can put the free text citation?