When we enter an article page to see the workflow in OJS 3, we don’t have access to the ID of this article (as it was in other 2.x versions).
So i propose to include a #ID before the title as in the example below.
José Carvalho
When we enter an article page to see the workflow in OJS 3, we don’t have access to the ID of this article (as it was in other 2.x versions).
So i propose to include a #ID before the title as in the example below.
José Carvalho
Dear @josekarvalho,
If you see the address bar of your browser, you will see the ID of the article there. Hope, this will be helpful for your workflow.
Dear @anupent,
Thanks, but in my case I know that, the problem is regarding the editorial team, in some cases they are not aware of that. Also in some browsers like Safari, the URL on the bar is simplified, exemple of this page on my browser is that:
So the user should select the URL on the bar to see what is the number. Additionally, the URL may have more than one number regarding the workflow step, this is more confusing for end-users (example: workflow/index/49/1 )
José Carvalho
Hi @josekarvalho,
Tagging @NateWr in case he has an opinion on this.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I think the plan is to display the ID somewhere, but we haven’t yet determined where.
We really need this.
I was about to post a request for this feature and found this previous thread from Sept 2017. Please include this feature that was present in OJS 2 but not in OJS 3.
Still no answer to this.
This isn’t a feature we get consistent requests for, so it hasn’t been as high a priority. Until we decide how to address it, you can achieve this with a local modification. The workflow view is implemented in lib/pkp/templates/workflow/submissionHeader.tpl
<h1 class="pkp_submission_title">
<span class="pkp_screen_reader">{translate key="submission.submissionTitle"}</span>
You can add the submission ID by adding the following in that markup:
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
It is possible to add ID of article (or Manuscript ID) in every emails?
I thinking in body and subject.
Such as :
Subject : [journal] Article Review Request from Journal of ABC (MSID:1234)
Body :
Dear Dr. X.
I am writing behalf of Journal of ABC as Chief Editor.
Because of your substantial expertise related to the manuscript, “Submission Title”
(MSID:1234), I would like to ask a favor for your assistance in determining
whether the above-mentioned manuscript is appropriate for publication in
Journal of ABC.
This feature will ease us to find and track the manuscript not only based on title but also Manuscript ID (MSID) or ID of article.
I literally have to type it manually especially the “MSID:” text, since with this I can easily track all submission. I hope OJS has added a new automatic feature for this.
Hi @budhi,
You can use {$submissionId}
for the article ID in any article-specific email template.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear @asmecher,
Thank you for your reply.
I just realize this topic is under OJS v3, Is this works in OJS I still using this version.
Dear @asmecher,
It works well, thank you.