I have an html 500 error after pressing the installing button, please how canI resolve it?

Hi everyone,
First of all, i am good in php and English at all.
So this is my problem :
I followed all the process to install OMP 3.3 on my server but when i click on the install button, after all the configuration, i have this message.
in french.
"Cette page ne fonctionne pas Impossible de traiter cette demande via theses.dnetforall.org à l’heure actuelle.
PLease can you help me to resolve it ? It is a projet that i have to present to researcher open sciences. Thanck you very much.

Hi @Kodjo_A,

Can you please include what specific version of OMP you are using (e.g. 3.3.0-8), and also - are you able to check your PHP error logs to see any relevant errors there? Usually this provides some indication of what exactly is going on - the 500 errors and other errors displayed in the browser are not very helpful.

Best regards,

PKP Team

Hi, Sorry for the late response.
this is the message that i have in the error log file.
/www/index.html (None could be negotiated)
i have a multisite system. and the principal site uses the folder /www

This is the link to the web site : theses.dnetforall.org

Hi @Kodjo_A,

Thanks for the reply. I’m not entirely sure what to suggest in this case, but I’ll see if some of our other team members can offer suggestions when they are available.

Best regards,

PKP Team