Hugo port of Health Sciences Journal Theme

Thanks @NateWr!

At the moment, I’m doing the article metadata by hand, but feedback I have gotten earlier in this process is that the API would be the best way to import metadata into another system. Another possibility might be to use a plugin, maybe one of the built in export plugins or SWORD, perhaps with some customisation.

So the workflow I envision would eventually be to do everything in OJS except the journal front-end:

  • Submit and review on OJS.
  • After acceptance, retrieve metadata and galleys from OJS (either by API or plugin) and push to a git repository
  • Journal front-end automatically builds thanks to integration with the server or service (I use Netlify’s free plan, but Github or Gitlab pages would also be good options).
  • Metadata deposits and the OAI repository need a bit of tweaking - currently you can either enter a remote URL or upload a galley, but not both. So putting together a plugin that allows you to upload your galleys but also to register your remotes and then inject those URLs into your metadata exports (e.g. Crossref) and OAI repository would be needed.
  • Usage statistics would probably need to be done via matomo, since the static site no longer generates the server logs that OJS is looking for (especially if hosted elsewhere).