I registered 2 publishers in OMP. But even when I select the “Enable this pressure to appear publicly on the site” option, the publisher does not appear in the list of publishers. http://omp.scielo.org
I need to configure something to more?
Thank you!
Hi @amandasramalho,
Could you include a screenshot or description of where you’re expecting the press to appear? Is it the login requirement that you weren’t expecting?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
The idea is that was similar to the OJS page, which has the Journals list: http://submission.scielo.br/
On this page “http://omp.scielo.org/” before the login area. Or on “home” button.
Best, Amanda.
Hi @amandasramalho,
Unlike OJS, OMP doesn’t have a page with a list of all available presses; our reasoning here is that it’s less likely for multi-press installations to advertise their holdings than it would be for a multi-journal OJS installation (since the latter could be institutional, or a commercial publisher, etc). Feedback on this is welcome, but the easiest solution will be to either modify OMP to add an index page, or to maintain the list outside of OMP (e.g. as a static HTML page).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
Thank you for the explanation!
Surely this is a scenario that we will have in this new project, which is expected to offer the system to at least 9 more publishers!
Best, Amanda.
Hi @amandasramalho,
I can’t promise we’ll change our decision on this, but just in the interests of gathering requirements: who is your intended audience for the index page? Will end users be interested in listing all presses?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
SciELO Books is a program that aggregates / converges academic / university press. The main objective is to disseminate the books - see books.scielo.org.
With OMP we will contribute to improve the editorial process. By providing an integrated view we will enhance our collective approach.A common starting page listing all press will also give more visibility to all players. And will easy the relationship without authors.
Best, Amanda.