How to insert hyperlinking anchors throughout an OJS 3.1.2 site (system links inclusive)?

@ ctgraham, I managed to install the BrowseBySection plugin, but as it turns out it doesn’t come with breadcrumbs. I inserted

{include file="frontend/components/breadcrumbs.tpl" pageTitleTranslated=$section->getLocalizedTitle()|escape}

in journal/plugins/generic/browseBySection/templates/frontend/pages/section.tpl which makes the breadcrumb show but it contains Home/ part (the beginning) of the path only. Can you help?

Secondly, article lists in OJS 3.1.2 by default (as controlled by “.cmp_article_list” class in Bootstrap3) show only article title, authors and pages. This is so in all lists, meaning lists created by plugins like the BrowseBySection plugin, as well as all system lists like Archive, Sections, etc. But how to show other useful information like the volume and publication date, along with (for example, above and below) the title in a list?

The template frontend/components/breadcrumbs.tpl is looking for the variable $currentTitle (or $currentTitleKey), so that is what you will need to pass in the include call.

For the BrowseBySection plugin, change pageTitleTranslated to currentTitle.

For the article list, the CSS class .cmp_article_list will be used to theme the HTML rendered for the article list, but a CSS change cannot add new information into the HTML. To add additional detail to the articles, you will need to change the template which output the HTML. This will involve in-depth coding change to the article summary template, either in core:

Or in any theme which overrides it.

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