Hi, I am working on OMP 3.1.0 for my university’s publication. I also am familiar with OJS 2 and 3. In OJSs, there is this “How to Cite” feature for each article published.
How can I put this feature in OMP and show it in the red box perhaps?
Thank you
No responses in this question? Hehehe
Perhaps @asmecher can help?
August 24, 2020, 1:21pm
Hi there!
I am wondering if this feature have been included in the OMP 3.2 release?
This is a very useful feature that OJS users love, so it would be wonderful to have it integrated in OMP by default
Hi all,
This would involve porting the Citation Style Language plugin that’s included in OJS to support OMP as well. We haven’t prioritized that work yet, but I’ve filed it for future consideration here: Port Citation Style Language plugin to OMP · Issue #6201 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
If someone has some development skills and is interested in contributing, I could possibly provide some guidance on how to start.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks @asmecher . I am looking forward for the update then. Better late than never isn’t it?
Hi everyone,
A colleague of mine is interested in working on this.
See the issue in Github: Port Citation Style Language plugin to OMP · Issue #6201 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
Hello everyone, I made a plugin that, for now, can solve the problem. GitHub - danielsf93/ompcitation: OMP Citation Style Plugin