Describe the problem you would like to solve
Currently names, affiliations and ORCIDs are generated pretty well on item pages but the same information is edited manually on the “editorialTeam” page and elsewhere. This means makes it hard to read this information in a machine-readable fashion for harvesting, validation, etc.
Describe the solution you’d like
Have a consistent UI widget for generating a name that’s used everywhere, item pages, “editorialTeam” page, etc. The widget should contain the authors name, ORCID, affiliation, etc. Ideally the affiliation would be authority controlled where possible (ISNI, LCCN, VIAF, Ringgold, ROR and wikidata are all used to identify institutions, any would be better than none).
The widget could also optionally include things like author social media / science communication channels.
Ideally the widget would use one of the several standards for microformats / microdata. But any kind of HTML with sensible class labels would be fine.
Who is asking for this feature?
The immediate idea for this came from work on GitHub - WDscholia/scholia: Wikidata-based scholarly profiles which is a harvester of academic outputs into wikidata, where authority control is a big thing (linking papes with authors, journals with editors, etc)