First impressions with OPS

Congrats to all dev team in OPS.
My questions:

  • Any indication of when OPS will be available on the PKP github?
  • Another question, when I view the video of the webinar, I noticed that some of the plugins that are present in the demo, are not part of the beta version package.
  • In my test installation I also verify, when I activate a language other than English, there is a problem in the visualization of the fields of the forms.

Hi @cferreira,

The OPS github repo is temporarily GitHub - ajnyga/ojs at preprints – we will move this to a new repo within the PKP organization next week, and also plan to release a new build with a few minor bugfixes. (We have done things this way to decrease the amount of cherry-picking between branches and repos – this can quickly become a considerable amount of work.)

The plugins that we demoed that weren’t in the 3.2.0b .tar.gz package are…

Can you write more about the issue with forms and languages?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher
Thanks for your answer. There are no issues about forms and languages, my fault.
However when I go to Website Settings–>Setup, and add some changes the page freeze when saving and crash (all) browsers.

Hi @cferreira,

See OJS 3.2.0 Sidebar Management. Page not responding problem.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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