File upload option for footer logos

Hi there,

currently the footer logos are hard coded and i need to change these. So i’ve added a file upload option for each footer image. Can we integrate these changes into the official GitHub repo? Should i create an issue and provide a pull request?

So lonG

Hi @j1shin

What OJS version ad which theme you are using, and what footer images you are referring to?

Default theme

With “footer logos” i mean the images displayed
a) in the footer of the front end, lower right corner
b) in the footer of the back end, lower right corner

Yes. The link to the pkp logo is hard-coded into the footer. The best option to change it is through creation of a child theme, in this case your custom changes will be kept after an update. I don’t think that there are planes to change this behavior.

But the logo might be website specific and the templates are for rendering the footer globally, right? Hence i though providing a configuration option in the website settings.

OJS has opportunity to use specific theme for each journal on a single instance. SO, templates can be journal specific if you use different themes.

Hi Vitaliy, ok, fair enough.

Hi j1shin,

One workaround is to “surpress” the hardcoded footer image through a stylesheet/css by allowing it to be 0 px, like this:

.pkp_brand_footer img {

After that you can just upload whichever logo you want. See for example:

Best wishes,

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