Errors like "Illegal string offset" and locales

Hi @asmecher,

Thanks for the quick reply. Where you say that “setting_value” is xx_YY for localized and blank/null for not localized is it really the “setting_value” field or is it the “locale” field?

I don’t know why there are zeros in those locale fields, but inspecting the records I saw some of them have a non-blank value on setting_value and for those cases the correct locale would be pt_BR. For the others setting_value is blank so I think it can be deleted.

In the thread I cited you said:

Not all entries in user_settings are supposed to be localized – in OJS 2.4.6, it’s biography, signature, gossip, and affiliation entries. The others should have a blank locale column.

So, is it correct to say that biography, signature, gossip and affiliation must be localized, and having some records with a blank locale field cause the “illegal string offset” error?

Is this the case for the authors_settings table too?

