Error when exporting issue on Native import/export

Hi @rcgillis !

Thank you for your concern.

Let me share something that can be useful:

As I was creating the dumb files to face the ‘filesize’ problem (as indicated in [OJS] Errors when trying to export issues), the number of Element ‘{}file’, attribute ‘filesize’: ‘’ is not a valid value of the atomic type ‘xs:int’ kept decreasing when I tried to export the article (two entries per dumb file created). When I finished creating all the dumb files for each article that had missing/renamed files, the export of the article started to work.

However, the number of Element ‘{}file’, attribute ‘filesize’: ‘’ is not a valid value of the atomic type ‘xs:int’ entries when exporting an issue kept always the same (as if the issue export process was based on a previous and outdated information about those missing files).

I don’t fully understand the issue export process, is it different than the article export process?

I hope I was clear… :slight_smile:

Thank you very much!!!

Kind regards,

Rui Pedro Silva