Hi, I have finally managed to activate the DOI plugin on my OMP platform, setting it just like the one we have in OJS (same prefix that had previously been assigned to us, default patterns for monographs). However, none of the DOIs that we have assigned to already-published monographs seem to work. They all take us to a “DOI not found” error page that says:
This DOI cannot be found in the DOI System. Possible reasons are:
- The DOI is incorrect in your source. Search for the item by name, title, or other metadata using a search engine.
- The DOI was copied incorrectly. Check to see that the string includes all the characters before and after the slash and no sentence punctuation marks.
- The DOI has not been activated yet. Please try again later, and report the problem if the error continues.
Any solutions? How am I supposed to activate the DOI? I don’t remember doing anything else for OJS, but I may be missing something.
Thanks everyone
Best regards
V. A.