Error 503 Backend fetch failed to grid/users/reviewer-select/reviewer-select-grid/fetch-grid

Right @asmecher ! The query log when execute

# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []  Id:   624
# Query_time: 135.534792  Lock_time: 0.000519 Rows_sent: 20  Rows_examined: 22943974
SET timestamp=1496186198;
				COUNT(DISTINCT rac.review_id) AS complete_count,
				AVG(DATEDIFF(rac.date_completed, rac.date_notified)) AS average_time,
				MAX(raf.date_assigned) AS last_assigned,
				COUNT(DISTINCT rai.review_id) AS incomplete_count
			FROM	users u
				JOIN user_user_groups uug ON (uug.user_id = u.user_id)
				JOIN user_groups ug ON (ug.user_group_id = uug.user_group_id AND ug.role_id = 4096 AND ug.context_id = 3)
				JOIN user_group_stage ugs ON (ugs.user_group_id = ug.user_group_id AND ugs.stage_id = 3)
				LEFT JOIN review_assignments ras ON (ras.submission_id = 20770 AND ras.stage_id = 3 AND ras.review_round_id = 16559 AND ras.reviewer_id=u.user_id)
				LEFT JOIN review_assignments rac ON (rac.reviewer_id = u.user_id AND rac.date_notified IS NOT NULL AND rac.date_completed IS NOT NULL)
				LEFT JOIN review_assignments raf ON (raf.reviewer_id = u.user_id)
				LEFT JOIN review_assignments ran ON (ran.reviewer_id = u.user_id AND ran.review_id > raf.review_id)
				LEFT JOIN review_assignments rai ON (rai.reviewer_id = u.user_id AND rai.date_notified IS NOT NULL AND rai.date_completed IS NULL AND rai.cancelled = 0 AND rai.declined = 0 AND rai.replaced = 0)
			WHERE	ras.review_id IS NULL
				AND ran.review_id IS NULL
			GROUP BY u.user_id
			HAVING 1=1 ORDER BY last_name, first_name LIMIT 0,20;
# Time: 170530 20:16:40
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []  Id:   626
# Query_time: 0.000497  Lock_time: 0.000247 Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 1
SET timestamp=1496186200;
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []  Id:   626
# Query_time: 0.003760  Lock_time: 0.001865 Rows_sent: 83  Rows_examined: 339
SET timestamp=1496186200;
			FROM versions v LEFT JOIN plugin_settings ps ON
				lower(v.product_class_name) = ps.plugin_name
				AND ps.setting_name = 'enabled' AND (context_id = '3' OR v.sitewide = 1)
			WHERE v.current = 1 AND (ps.setting_value = '1' OR v.lazy_load <> 1);
# Time: 170530 20:16:41
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []  Id:   626
# Query_time: 0.468306  Lock_time: 0.000211 Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 727112
SET timestamp=1496186201;
SELECT count(*) FROM notifications WHERE user_id = 1 AND date_read IS NULL AND level = 3;
# Time: 170530 20:16:42
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []  Id:   626
# Query_time: 0.998741  Lock_time: 0.000116 Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 727112
SET timestamp=1496186202;
SELECT * FROM notifications WHERE user_id = 1 AND level = 1 ORDER BY date_created DESC;
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []  Id:   626
# Query_time: 0.493938  Lock_time: 0.000092 Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 727112
SET timestamp=1496186202;
SELECT * FROM notifications WHERE user_id = 1 AND level = 1 ORDER BY date_created DESC;

Hi @Glauco_Roberto_Munsb,

Hmm. If you’re willing to send me a (suitably anonymized) database dump, and a quick note about the necessary conditions to reproduce the problem (i.e. what username you’re logged in as, what submission you’re trying to find reviewers for), and I’ll take a quick look.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

1 Like

@asmecher sure! I can send to you those informations by email or other channel?

Hi @Glauco_Roberto_Munsb,

Probably easiest to use the private messaging feature offered on this forum.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi all,

It looks like creating the following index significantly improves performance around reviewer selection:

CREATE INDEX review_assignments_reviewer_review ON review_assignments (reviewer_id, review_id);

I’ve committed a change causing this to be created upon install/upgrade for future releases.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

1 Like