Email users of new issue AFTER publication

When we publish an issue, we can check the box “Send an email about this to all registered users.” If we do NOT check that box, is there a way to notify users AFTER publication? Reason: we have noticed some errors that cannot be viewed in “preview” mode, so we publish (without notification) check for errors, UNpublish and correct, then REpublish with tick box checked. I’ve considered creating an email template, but will that reach ALL users? Is that the same as checking the tick box?

Hi @lajohns1,

Hmm… what about sending an announcement via the announcement feature - that has the same option to send an email to all registered users - would that work for your use case?

PKP Team

Hi, Roger,
Doesn’t the announcement feature also add the announcement to the journal’s landing page? I suspect our editor-in-chief would not prefer that method. I’m considering adding an email template, but I’m not sure how to assure it will reach “all registered users” like the auto-generated email does when we publish and select the tick box.
-Lisa (lajohns1)

I’m reading more about how announcements work now. Considering that as a solution.

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Hello, I have a question related to this issue. Is it possible to have other options other than only “Send and email about this to all registered users.” For example, can there be options to check such as editorial board, authors, reviewers. We just published a new issue and clicked the “Send and email about this to all registered users” box. When we do this we get hundreds of bounce-back emails as it includes everyone registered since 2005 when we started publication. We would like to just click board, authors and readers as they are more involved in the journal.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Doug, I have not experienced the bounce-back emails you have (but I’m still relatively new to the process), but I agree that the option you mentioned would be helpful in the application.

Hi @lajohns1,

There is the option of sending messages directly to those enrolled in particular roles in OJS: (the section under “Bulk email notifications by roles”) That said, this functionality does not extend in the same way to the announcements. If you would like to see it, I would encourage you to start a new post in the “Feature Requests” category here on the forum and explain the use case using the headings supplied there. From there our developers would review the post and provide further feedback.

PKP Team

Lisa, Thanks. It is a combination of autoreplies and emails from past users that are no longer used.

Hi Roger, Thanks for this. When I go to users and roles I only have the choice of three folders: users, roles and site access options. I do not have a Notify tab.


Hi @ramsey, which version of OJS are you using? I think that was only introduced in version 3.3, so if you’re not seeing it that might explain why. If you are using 3.3 it might be that you don’t have journal manager privileges?

PKP Team

Hello Roger, IT her at Brandon University just changed the setting so now I can select specific users when I send notifications. This was extremely helpful. Thanks so much for your time.

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