Hi there,
I have a small problem with the DOIs in OMP. Although the submission process has been finished and production has been changed to green, the DOI will not be generated until a few days have gone by:
“What you see is a preview of the DOI that may be incomplete. A DOI has
not yet been generated. Publishing the monograph and viewing the public
Monograph Catalog page will automatically generate a unique DOI for this
publication format.”
Is there anything I can do to speed things up? Which is the trigger for generating the DOI?
Kind regards
Hi @UBWolf,
The DOI is stamped on the monograph permanently the first time it’s delivered via the front end (e.g. by someone viewing the catalog). If you want to hasten things up, just visit the monograph as though you were a reader once it’s published.
We’ll be shifting at some point to stamping the DOI upon publication, as our current approach doesn’t always match expectations.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec,
it seems we found the source of our problem: There is a redirect from our catalogue site which leads to another. So we couldn’t view the site and therefore the DOI was never finalized.
Kind regards
Hi @UBWolf,
Makes sense. Thanks for following up!
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team