DOI for book chapters in OMP



Has anyone been successful with adding and assigning DOI for book chapters in OMP? I want DOI for all chapters in this book:

I have got PDFs for all chapters and have tried to upload one of them as Chapter Manuscript under Production Ready Files. I have then ticked off this file under Edit Chapters and saved. The problem is that when I click on the tab Identifiers under Edit Chapters there is nothing there. No DOI to assign to the chapter, and when I publish the book as a whole I am told all chapters are unassigned. Is there something I have to do within the system to make this work, and get DOIs assigned for all chapters?

We are using version of OMP. What I am looking for is some kind of guide on how to do this from someone that has got it to work in their archive, rather than a link to some developer page in Github.

Hi @JohnDavid,

What do you see when you open the “Identifiers” tab for a chapter - just a blank tab?

You might be encountering this bug, which was fixed as of version 3.3.0-15 and should resolve with an upgrade: [OMP] Edit Chapter not showing content in tab Identifiers · Issue #8758 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

Kaitlin Newson
PKP Team

Hi @JohnDavid

Since you are still on OMP 3.3.x, I may share my experience on assigning DOIs to book chapters. I use an improved version of crossref-omp doi plugin developed by @ajnyga, and may share with you if you send your email via a personel message.

On this page you can find a book whose chapters have been given a doi.
There are some points to consider before assigning doi to book chapters via a plugin:

  1. When you enable the assignment of doi to book chapters, it assigns doi to all chapters without exception. Each doi costs a certain fee so be careful.
  2. If you leave the chapter option checked, you might get some other kind of registration errors.
  3. Since OMP 3.3 has no chapter landing page feature, book doi and all chapter doi point to the same URL, which is book summary page.
    Best regards,

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Hi @drugurkocak

The link to the book you use as an example doesn’t seem to be working. Could you post a working link to the book? I would like to have a look at it, to see how it works out.

We have updated OMP now, and the possibility to make DOIs for articles is enabled.