I am not very satisfied with my searches in Weblate. For example, if I am searching for the word ‘Dashboard’ I get no search results and that shouldn’t be the case or do I search the wrong way? I receive the message “No matching strings found”.
Niels Erik
Hi @nef,
I’ve found that you have to navigate to the specific component, and then the locale to get better search results. See our translation guide here; Translate PKP Software
For example, if I go to the common.po and search for dashboard in the English locale, I get 11 results: https://translate.pkp.sfu.ca/projects/pkp-lib/common/en_US/#search
It involves drilling down a bit, but it allows you to be more precise if you are looking in a specific locale. If you search across multiple locales, you get an unmanageable amount of results to have to go through (for example: https://translate.pkp.sfu.ca/search/pkp-lib/common/?q=dashboard&type=all&ignored=False&checksum=&offset=)
PKP Team
Thanks for your reply.
How do I handle the search results you show? How do I get in and make corrections in the places mentioned? As far as I can see I only have the option to click the Add button.
If, for example, I click Add next to the first string “changed:> = 2021-02-14 AND NOT changed_by: nef” it pops up in the search field:
and if I then click ‘Search’ the message appears “No string matched your search!”
Niels Erik
I’ve found it easier to narrow the search first in Github (.po files), for example:
“copyeditor extension:po path:locale/en_US path:locale/pt_BR”
(with spaces between terms instead of plus signs +)