Docker for OJS: Geting DB errors when running official docker-compose on windows

Oh I didn’t know that! I will write that in my report as a challenge defeated :slight_smile:

Feel free to change anything you want for the benefit of future users.

Yes these were the problems faced, and if you a user ignore one of them, he might be obliged to remove everything and start the installation from zero.

Thanks ! I will wait for your updates :slight_smile:

I am working on my master thesis graduation which concerns an evaluation of frameworks for allowing reproducible reserachs . In other words, offering to the reserachers to rerun the computional steps in articles and generate the original results.
OJS is one of the choosen plateform for my master thesis. I want to integrate with another plateform called Stencila which allows the authoring of interactive, data-driven publications in visual interfaces.
So, the user will be able to read an article in OJS and then try to generate the data used in this article (Figure, table,etc…) in Stencila and execute it.
The idea was to install OJS and Stencila locally to implement this integration.
I hope that I am answered your question :slight_smile: If not the case, please feel free to ask me anything !


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Wow, that’s sounds really promising.

If you want feedback I suggest you open a new thread in the forum (or in your favorite blogging platform) to explain your progress, doubts, ideas… a big project like this is like sex. You can do it alone, but in company is much more satisfactory. :sweat_smile:

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Thank you for the nice words. Yes, I am thinking about something similar to share it with people and make it more interesting.

Hahaha good comparaison :rofl: Yes you are totally right !

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Hi all,

Just a quick note on the files directory:

If you’re working on a machine that’s exposed to the internet, make sure not to put the file storage area (specified in the files_dir setting in inside your web root (/var/www), unless you protect it from direct access using .htaccess or another mechanism. Otherwise a malicious “author” can upload some kind of script, guess the URL to invoke it within the files directory, and cause it to run on your system.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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I know you’ve got a thousand fronts to fight, so thanks for keeping an eye on this post.

You make me dubt, but I think “/var/www/*” is no longer an apache2-mapped directory. For a few years now the web server’s root directory is “/var/www/html”, so “/var/www/files” would be a safe directory. I checked the default virtualhost configuration to be sure.

I comment it because I thought the same thing and this is why the docker-compose I created some years ago it still uses the directory “/srv/files” as a storage directory (out of apache’s reach), but as a result of this post I’m valuing making it simpler and leaving it in “/var/www/files” as I’ve seen it done in other docker images.

The truth is this path still hurts my old-admin’s eyes a little, but I have to recognize some beauty in grouping under “/var/www/*” everything related to apache. It brings some order and let your fix permissions easier with “chown www-data:www-data /var/www” when somebody is in trouble.

I’m waiting for your feedback to decide whether to apply the change in the next update of the docker images.

Big hug,

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Hi @marc,

You’re right, I think!

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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