Delay on PKP PLN sync

Did you change the journal locale to English?

There should be at least three more messages after “Processing updated content.” So it looks like the plugin crashed in that step. That’s a good clue to work with.

The journal locale is both in Italian and English. The principal language
is Italiano.
I did not modified locale,only added a journal title in setup step 1 for

Ok. But the first set of scheduled task logs you posted were in Italian. I’m a little confused why this new log is in English.

Yes, I know…
But I cannot understand as well how it is possible.

However, at the moment the site locale is
Italiano (principal locale)
Español (España)
Français (France)

Journal locale is in Italian (principal) and English only

The setup is filled now both in Italian and in English

EDIT: I think that if I reload the acron plugin scheduled task through the web interface, the log locale canges according to the interface language (if I reload tasks in Italian locale, the log will be in Italian, otherwise in English)

Thanks for clarifying that @marchitelli. I didn’t know that about OJS!

I think I’ve narrowed the problem down just a little. Can you send me the Postgres error log for around the cron run? I think some of the SQL in the plugin might not be compatible with Postgres.

Hi @mjoyce
I am trying to extract some rows from the log (very verbose!) and sending you the log via email

2016-06-20 13:46:02 CEST [19039]: [414-1] user=xxx,db=xxx DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'plugins.generic.pln.classes.tasks.Depositor'
2016-06-20 13:46:02 CEST [19039]: [415-1] user=xxx,db=xxx LOG:  duration: 0.014 ms  execute <unnamed>: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM scheduled_tasks WHERE class_name =  $1
2016-06-20 13:46:02 CEST [19039]: [416-1] user=xxx,db=xxx DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'plugins.generic.pln.classes.tasks.Depositor'
2016-06-20 13:46:02 CEST [19039]: [417-1] user=xxx,db=xxx LOG:  duration: 0.046 ms  parse <unnamed>: UPDATE scheduled_tasks SET last_run = '2016-06-20 13:46:02' WHERE class_name =  $1
2016-06-20 13:46:02 CEST [19039]: [418-1] user=xxx,db=xxx LOG:  duration: 0.035 ms  bind <unnamed>: UPDATE scheduled_tasks SET last_run = '2016-06-20 13:46:02' WHERE class_name =  $1
2016-06-20 13:46:02 CEST [19039]: [419-1] user=xxx,db=xxx DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'plugins.generic.pln.classes.tasks.Depositor'
2016-06-20 13:46:02 CEST [19039]: [420-1] user=xxx,db=xxx LOG:  duration: 0.050 ms  execute <unnamed>: UPDATE scheduled_tasks SET last_run = '2016-06-20 13:46:02' WHERE class_name =  $1
2016-06-20 13:46:02 CEST [19039]: [421-1] user=xxx,db=xxx DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'plugins.generic.pln.classes.tasks.Depositor'

Thanks @marchitelli.

The logs you sent contain two errors. Only one is related to the PLN plugin. The other one is likely harmless, but I’ll report it to the right people just to be safe.

The one for the PLN points directly to the problem, and should make it easy to fix.

Thanks to you @mjoyce

Please let me know if I can help you in testing or something like that.


@marchitelli I’ll send you an email with a replacement file that should fix the problem.

Hi @mjoyce, it works (seems to :slight_smile: )

thanks for the fix

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Thank you for being so patient @marchitelli. I couldn’t have tracked down the problem without your help.

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Estimado @mjoyce, tengo un problema similar y no encontré soluciónStatusPLNok aun.
¿Puedes ayudarme? en mi revista parece estar todo ok, los artículos entregados y aceptados.
El manifiesto muestra que estan guardados los artículos
Sin embargo no aparecen en onix

Por favor, puedes verificar o explicarme como puedo cargar en LOCKSS manualmente


Hello @Oscarrgomez

I don’t understand Spanish at all, but Google Translate seems to have done a good job. If I’ve misunderstood your question, I apologize.

The LOCKSS plugin and gateway are separate from the PKP PN plugin. I haven’t worked with LOCKSS plugin at all, so there isn’t much I can tell you about it. The deposits from the PKP PN plugin won’t appear in the LOCKSS plugin at all. They’re packaged up differently from the LOCKSS deposits, and sent to a completely different network. And they serve different purposes.

There is no manual loading of deposits in the PKP PN. All actions must be taken through the plugin.

I checked on one of your deposits by downloading it to my computer. The deposit package is corrupt. I’ve never seen that before. Your deposit is missing the deposit data, even though the deposit metadata is present.

I’m going to ask @Dimitris_Efstathiou to take a look at this. He’s been working with the PKP PN plugin quite a bit recently and might be able to help.

estimado @mjoyce ciertamente google translate ha hecho un buen trabajo.
Muchas gracias por su ayuda. Al menos ahora se que el problema esta en el paquete de depósito.
Espero puedan ayudarme a resolverlo.

¿Es necesario que los plugin plugins.generic.sword. y plugins.generic.dataverse. estén habilitados?


Dear @Oscarrgomez.

I don’t speak Spanish either, but following @mjoyce’s paradigm using Google Translate, I think the second question is whether the dataverse or sword plugins are necessary for PLN plugin. If I understood correctly, the answer is no.

Regarding the corrupt deposit, could you please add your OJS’s installation version, and any PHP logs that could refer to the PLNPlugin or the PLNPlugin Logs that you could find in [ojs-installation-files-folder]/scheduledTaskLogs/PKPPLNDepositorTask-[some-id]


Estimado @Dimitris_Efstathiou , muchas gracias por su rápida respuesta.
Entendió correctamente la segunda pregunta :slight_smile:

La versión de OJS es la

El ultimo registro dice:

[2018-09-08 12:56:04] [Mensaje] Tarea automática iniciada
[2018-09-08 12:56:04] [Mensaje] ##plugins.generic.pln.notifications.processing_for##
[2018-09-08 12:56:04] [Mensaje] ##plugins.generic.pln.notifications.getting_servicedocument##
[2018-09-08 12:56:05] [Mensaje] ##plugins.generic.pln.depositor.statusupdates##
[2018-09-08 12:56:05] [Mensaje] ##plugins.generic.pln.depositor.updatedcontent##
[2018-09-08 12:56:05] [Mensaje] ##plugins.generic.pln.depositor.newcontent##
[2018-09-08 12:56:05] [Mensaje] ##plugins.generic.pln.depositor.packagingdeposits##
[2018-09-08 12:56:05] [Mensaje] ##plugins.generic.pln.depositor.transferringdeposits##
[2018-09-08 12:56:05] [Mensaje] Tarea automática finalizada

el anterior dice:

[2018-09-09 13:15:39] [Notificación] Se ha iniciado la tarea.
[2018-09-09 13:15:39] [Notificación] ##plugins.generic.pln.notifications.processing_for##
[2018-09-09 13:15:39] [Notificación] ##plugins.generic.pln.notifications.getting_servicedocument##
[2018-09-09 13:15:40] [Notificación] ##plugins.generic.pln.depositor.statusupdates##
[2018-09-09 13:15:40] [Notificación] ##plugins.generic.pln.depositor.updatedcontent##
[2018-09-09 13:15:40] [Notificación] ##plugins.generic.pln.depositor.newcontent##
[2018-09-09 13:15:40] [Notificación] ##plugins.generic.pln.depositor.packagingdeposits##
[2018-09-09 13:15:40] [Notificación] ##plugins.generic.pln.depositor.transferringdeposits##
[2018-09-09 13:15:40] [Notificación] Se ha detenido la tarea.

y uno de hace algunos días dice:

[2018-08-28 12:20:38] [Mensaje] Tarea automática iniciada
[2018-08-28 12:20:38] [Mensaje] ##plugins.generic.pln.notifications.processing_for##
[2018-08-28 12:20:38] [Mensaje] ##plugins.generic.pln.notifications.getting_servicedocument##
[2018-08-28 12:20:39] [Mensaje] ##plugins.generic.pln.depositor.statusupdates##
[2018-08-28 12:20:40] [Mensaje] Deposit 3 has unknown processing state bag-error
[2018-08-28 12:20:41] [Mensaje] Deposit 4 has unknown processing state bag-error
[2018-08-28 12:20:41] [Mensaje] Deposit 5 has unknown processing state bag-error
[2018-08-28 12:20:42] [Mensaje] ##plugins.generic.pln.depositor.updatedcontent##
[2018-08-28 12:20:42] [Mensaje] ##plugins.generic.pln.depositor.newcontent##
[2018-08-28 12:20:42] [Mensaje] ##plugins.generic.pln.depositor.packagingdeposits##
[2018-08-28 12:20:42] [Mensaje] ##plugins.generic.pln.depositor.transferringdeposits##
[2018-08-28 12:20:42] [Mensaje] Tarea automática finalizada

Con respecto a los paquetes guardados en /revista/index.php/RCA/manager/files/pln/1BB1781D-BDFE-479B-BE99-9B2156C8B30A, tal como bien señaló @mjoyce , tienen muy poca información y nada de los artículos. Le transcribo el paquete:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
pkp:journal_url</pkp:journal_url>pkp:publisherName</pkp:publisherName>pkp:publisherUrl</pkp:publisherUrl>pkp:issn</pkp:issn><pkp:content size=“2” volume=“2” issue=“1” pubdate=“2017-04-30” checksumType=“SHA-1” checksumValue=“4c821bc22b750fa112cb2b0d7f4638407f33c5a2”></pkp:content>pkp:licensepkp:openAccessPolicy<![CDATA[

Esta revista provee acceso libre inmediato a su contenido bajo el principio de que hacer disponible gratuitamente la investigación al público fomenta un mayor intercambio y desarrollo, del conocimiento global.

Esta política de acceso abierto a la información científica se extiende también a los investigadores ya que esta revista no cobra ningún tipo de arancel a los autores que deseen publicar su trabajo. No tiene cargos para los autores por el envío ni por el procesamiento del artículo para garantizar la libertad de la investigación académica y la rápida difusión en la comunidad científica.

Todos los artículos y documentos, de esta revista se encuentran bajo la licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 3.0 Unported.
Licencia de Creative Commons

]]></pkp:openAccessPolicy>pkp:licenseURL</pkp:licenseURL>pkp:publishingModeOpen</pkp:publishingMode>pkp:copyrightNotice<![CDATA[Los autores que publican en esta revista están de acuerdo con los siguientes términos:

  1. Los autores ceden a la revista el derecho de ser la primera publicación del trabajo al igual que licenciado bajo una Creative Commons Attribution License que permite a otros compartir el trabajo con un reconocimiento de la autoría del trabajo y la publicación inicial en esta revista.
  2. Se permite y se anima a los autores, quienes conservan sus derechos luego de la publicación, a difundir sus trabajos electrónicamente (por ejemplo, en repositorios institucionales o en su propio sitio web) antes y durante el proceso de envío, ya que puede dar lugar a intercambios productivos, así como a una citación más temprana y mayor de los trabajos publicados (Véase The Effect of Open Access).

Licencia de Creative Commons
Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 3.0 Unported.


Pareciera que mi ojs no esta pudiendo empaquetar correctamente.
Sin embargo los pluguin de exportación de XLM de CrosReff, DOAJ y XML para artículos & números, funcionan correctamente. Los utilizamos para confeccionar la versión de los artículos en XLM.

¿Servirá ejecutar la opción “Eliminar cachés de datos”?

Si necesita mas info sobre nuestro OJS por favor, solicitela.


Hi @Oscarrgomez

Lets go through some check-points that could be of assistance:

  • Check if Acron plugin is enabled and the PLN Plugin has been registered. (if you keep getting log files every day, then you are probably ok with that - see bellow)
  • Check the PLN Plugin log files, located at [files_folder]/scheduledTaskLogs/PKPPLNDepositorTask-{some_id}. Check there for any error messages.
  • Check for any PHP errors related to PLN Plugin (especially for the timestamps that are logged at PLN Plugin log file). Could find error messages regarding uncaught exceptions, Networking issues, third party library issues etc.
  • Check if the PLN Plugin process has created any zipped files in [files_folder]/Journals/pln/
  • If there is a certain issue that has problems being packaged, you can try to export it by using the Native ImportExport Plugin, and see if that fails.
  • Check if CURL is supported for php.

The above mentioned list could be a generic approach to track most of the PLN Plugin’s process messages/errors.

Regarding the error I see in your log file: [Deposit {id} has unknown processing state {error}] with {error}=“bag-error”, it seems that the PLN Server has returned a “bag-error” for these 3 deposits.
@Oscarrgomez Maybe you can find a BagIt library problem/error/warning that can give us more data regarding the status, in the PHP logs?
Maybe @mjoyce could be of assistance for that regarding the response from the PLN Server?

@Oscarrgomez what is the data you get at the deposit status grid at your end? (can be found under the PLN Plugin’s status action)

If you find any BagIt-related error/warning entries in the PHP Logs, we can continue investigating with them in mind.
Else, you can try to upgrade the BagIt library to the newest version. The OJS2.4.8-3 comes with the BagIt library which can be found at plugins/generic/pln/lib. You could try to use the version Release Release v0.3.0 · scholarslab/BagItPHP · GitHub which is the latest, and replace the above mentioned lib folder with the 0.3.0 lib folder. Please do that on a dev environment first, and keep a copy of the lib folder that you will replace.


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The bagit library seems to be failing to create the bag properly. It creates a zip file with all of the metadata files we expect, but it’s missing the data/ directory. That’s the strangest error I’ve ever seen.

The response from the server is saying that there is something wrong with the bag and the deposit cannot be processed any further.

I suggest you follow @Dimitris_Efstathiou’s checklist above.

Estimados @Dimitris_Efstathiou y @mjoyce gracias por su tiempo y dedicación.

Realice las verificaciones recomendadas y:

• Check if Acron plugin is enabled and the PLN Plugin has been registered.
El complemento Acron y PLN están habilitados

• Check the PLN Plugin log file, located at [files_folder]/scheduledTaskLogs/PKPPLNDepositorTask-{some_id}

Hay un registro que dice:
[2018-10-09 15:03:17] [Mensaje] Tarea automática iniciada
[2018-10-09 15:03:17] [Mensaje] Depositor processing for Revista Científica Arbitrada de la Fundación MenteClara.
[2018-10-09 15:03:17] [Mensaje] Obteniendo documento de servicio.
[2018-10-09 15:03:22] [Mensaje] Processing deposit status updates.
[2018-10-09 15:03:22] [Mensaje] Processing updated content.
[2018-10-09 15:03:23] [Mensaje] Procesando nuevo contenido.
[2018-10-09 15:03:23] [Mensaje] Packaging content for deposit.
[2018-10-09 15:03:23] [Mensaje] Sending deposits to the PLN.
[2018-10-09 15:03:23] [Mensaje] Tarea automática finalizada

• Check for any PHP errors related to PLN Plugin (especially for the timestamps that are logged at PLN Plugin log file)

En el log.php aparecen los siguientes errores:

[10-Oct-2018 15:07:18] ojs2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: tempnam() [<a href=‘function.tempnam’>function.tempnam</a>]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): (/www/docs/
In file: /www/docs/
At line: 282

[10-Oct-2018 15:07:20] ojs2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/docs/
In file: /www/docs/
At line: 205
At line: 206
At line: 207

[10-Oct-2018 16:27:17] ojs2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: file_exists() [<a href=‘function.file-exists’>function.file-exists</a>]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(plugins/oaiMetadataFormats/README/index.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/www/docs/
In file: /www/docs/
At line: 221
At line: 230

[10-Oct-2018 16:27:17] ojs2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
In file: /www/docs/
At line: 44

• Check if the PLN Plugin process has created any zipped files in [files_folder]/Journals/pln/

El complemento PLN creo archivos comprimidos en jourlnal/pln pero están incompletos. Puedes descargar un ejemplo en:

• If there is a certain issue that has problems being packaged, we can try to export it by using the Native ImportExport Plugin, and see if that fails.

El complemento NATIVE exporta correctamente issue y article, puedes descargarlos en

• Check if the CURL is supported for php.

CURL esta correcto

• get at the deposit status grid at your end?

Tengo la última versión de 2.4.8-3 y el log-php no muestra error de BagIt

La persona de soporte de mi hosting me dice que quizá falte alguna librería en local/php5.3.8/lib/php/)

¿Puedes decirme toda la librería Pearl que necesita el OJS así me la agregan?

Saludos cordiales,


There are no Perl libraries required for the PLN plugin to work. Your server has all the required libraries. The problem is shown in this log entry:

[10-Oct-2018 15:07:18] ojs2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: tempnam(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): (/www/docs/
In file: /www/docs/
At line: 282

I made the important bit bold above. From this I’d guess that the bagit library is attempting to write temporary files or directories and failing. That’s why there’s nothing in the bag data directory. You should talk to your server administrator about this problem. There is more information about the open_basedir setting here which may be useful.

The reference to PHP 5.3.8 is also a problem. It’s very old. You should upgrade to a newer PHP. Upgrading won’t fix this problem, but it will help prevent other problems in the future.

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