I have translated default.xml just as another files, but when I go to upload a submission, Submission Checklist and Copyright Notice are still in the default language (English). Language toggle does not help. When I change language, everything gets translated fine, but not the text from default.xml. I’ve also checked this file with text editor, and all the translations are saved, the file simply does not gets loaded. can you help me? Here are the screenshots. Secondary language is Georgian.

And here is the default.xml file content

Thank you.
Hi @vaxo-basilidze,
you got the name still set to “en_US”
that should be your language.
Hope this helps
Claudia Jürgen
Hi @cjuergen
Thanks for reply.
I’ve checked another files that work fine, and they also have name “en_US”. Anyway, I tried to rename it, but did not help. Maybe you know where can I find Copyright Notice’s source code, maybe there is something with code, I couldn’t find it.
Hi @vaxo-basilidze,
The defaults are loaded from the defaults.xml
file into the database when the conference is created; after that they live in the database and will need to be changed through the setup pages.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello @asmecher
Thank you very much, it helped me with Submission Checklist, but can’t find Copyright Notice in the setup page. Is it somewhere else?
Hi @vaxo-basilidze,
It’s on the first page of conference setup.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I can’t see Copyright Notice on the first page of setup. The list of this page:
1.1 Scheduled Conference Description
1.2 Scheduled Conference Location
1.3 Principal Contact for Scheduled Conference
1.4 Technical Support Contact
1.5 Email Identification
1.6 Sponsoring Organizations
1.7 Sources of Support
Do I need to enable it from somewhere else?
Hi @vaxo-basilidze,
Sorry, I was a little ambiguous. There are two setup areas in OCS – one for the “conference” (e.g. PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference) and one for the “scheduled confererence” (e.g. PKP 2011). Look in the one called “Website Management”.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello @asmecher
I have one more question.
I want each conference to have it’s own domain. For example, webpages domain is conference.com (just for example), and I want one of the conferences to be accessed with domain tech.com. How can I do this?
Best regards.
Hi @vaxo-basilidze,
That question isn’t related to the rest of this thread; could you post it as a new thread?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team