After installing the OMP on the server, only when trying to access dashboard or submissions I receive this error.
Hi @Nadiaca,
What version of OMP are you working with? (Please include this in your posts.) Also, what version of MySQL/MariaDB or PostgreSQL are you using?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I installed the latest version of OMP 3.1.2-4 and then did a fresh install of OMP 3.1.2-3 to make sure it wasn’t a version issue. (3.1.2-3 is the active version now) but the issue persists.
Database driver: mysqliand db server version is 10.1.12-MariaDB.
Thank you
Hi @Nadiaca,
Could you turn on the show_stacktrace
option in
, reload the page, and paste the results here (making sure to remove any database credentials or identifying information in the trace)?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
DB Error: ‘ojs2.s.locale’ isn’t in GROUP BY
Stack Trace:
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\ojs2\lib\pkp\classes\services\ line 65
Function: DAO->retrieveRange(“select distinct s
.*, COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_…”, Array(2), Object(DBResultRange))
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\ojs2\lib\pkp\controllers\list\submissions\ line 211
Function: PKP\Services\PKPSubmissionService->getSubmissions(“1”, Array(4))
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\ojs2\lib\pkp\controllers\list\submissions\ line 52
Function: PKPSubmissionsListHandler->getItems()
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\ojs2\controllers\list\submissions\ line 24
Function: PKPSubmissionsListHandler->getConfig()
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\ojs2\lib\pkp\pages\dashboard\ line 62
Function: SubmissionsListHandler->getConfig()
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\ojs2\lib\pkp\classes\core\ line 390
Function: DashboardHandler->index(Array(0), Object(Request))
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\ojs2\lib\pkp\classes\core\ line 231
Function: PKPRouter->_authorizeInitializeAndCallRequest(Array(2), Object(Request), Array(0), False)
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\ojs2\lib\pkp\classes\core\ line 134
Function: PKPPageRouter->route(Object(Request))
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\ojs2\lib\pkp\classes\core\ line 252
Function: Dispatcher->dispatch(Object(Request))
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\ojs2\index.php line 68
Function: PKPApplication->execute()