CRediT Integration with OJS

I am also interested in this work. There is a Feature Request in GitHub which also discusses this.

Feel free to comment here or on that GitHub issue with your specific use-cases. If we get a clearly defined specification and significant community interest around this, this helps with prioritizing implementation.

One of the current blockers for me is thinking about how the CRediT contributor roles map (or don’t) upon other taxonomies, such as the Crossref contributor_role (author, editor, chair, translator), or the ORCID Contributors (Author, Assignee, Editor, Chair or translator, Co-investigator, Co-inventor, Graduate student, Other inventor, Principal investigator, Postdoctoral researcher, Support staff), and how (and where) within the software we provide a flexible mapping from one taxonomy to another. Which schema(s) do we expose to the end-user, and how do we translate from one schema to the others (if we do)?