Crear un nuevo modulo

Hola trato de cargar un nuevo modulo pero me sale este error

me pueden colaborar por favor

Hello @Diana_Milena_Betanco,

Sorry - I’m only able to reply in English. For errors like this it is helpful to look at your PHP error logs and report on errors found there. Also, could you please indicate your OJS version number (e.g. 3.3.0-14)?

PKP Team

@Diana_Milena_Betanco, the plugin should be a .tar.gz file instead of .zip, at the release page of this plugin (Releases · ajnyga/mostRead · GitHub), ensure that you’re downloading the .tar.gz package that fits your OJS version.


Jonas Raoni

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Hola @Diana_Milena_Betanco

Lo que dice @jonasraoni es correcto, los plugins que subes deben tener la extension .tar.gz para que puedan cargar a instalarse correctamente.
Revisa también que el plugin que vayas a instalar tenga soporte para tu versión actual de OJS.

Hi all,

Be careful when installing plugins via the uploader to ensure that they are compatible with your release of OJS (or OMP or OPS). If they are not, they may break your installation and you may have to remove them manually.

The safest way to install plugins is to use the Plugin Gallery, which ensures that only compatible plugins are listed. However, the “Most Read” plugin isn’t currently available there.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowedge Project Team

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