Country is shown on author's detail page only []

If you add a country in your personal profile this is shown on the author’s detail page (for example Nähere Angaben zu den Autor/innen | Kolloquium Wissensinfrastruktur) along with the institution, but in the author browsing page (Autor/innenverzeichnis durchblättern | Kolloquium Wissensinfrastruktur) or on the frontdoor of an article (Grundlagen der Suchtechnologie | Kolloquium Wissensinfrastruktur) only the institution is shown, but not the country.

Is it possible, to add the country also on the frontdoor of an article or in the browsing?

Hi @bibliothekswelt,

At the moment, the author search index is not officially supported. That means we don’t have any plans to add features to that, and it may be removed in the future.

To my knowledge, this is the first time that I have heard a request to add the country information to the author listing on the article landing page. I don’t think this is desired by most journals, so we’re unlikely to add it. I think you’re likely going to have to use a custom theme to show that.

Hi all,

We’ll be discussing what to do with this feature in the near future over on Github:

Currently I lean towards removing the feature and relying instead on tools like ORCiD that are better positioned to properly disambiguate and list authors’ assets that might span more than a single OJS install – but if you have an opinion or alternate use for this feature, please comment on the Github issue!

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team


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It’s OK with me to omit the country on all pages, but in this case the “Country” field should not be a mandatory field wihich you have to fill out when you make a new submission or when you change an old one.

Dear @bibliothekswelt
what do you do about authors who have articles in German as well as in English in your journal, like “Summann, Friedrich”, but coming from the same affiliation:
As far as I can see the author is listed three times. He/she is the same and has the same German affiliation. But in the database table.author_settings either the affiliation is labelled “en_US” or givenName and familyName are labelled “en_US” for the English submission.
This is far from elegant. Do have any ideas how to solve this?

Dear @klausru,
we don’t have a solution for this - we just don’t show the author browsing at all